The New Exhibition Building of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Leipzig by as-if berlinwien

Paul Grundei, Stephanie Kaindl, Barbara Steiner, Christian Teckert (eds.), Jovis Verlag, Berlin 2011


This book focuses on the uses of the GFZK-2 building and the dialogues between the architecture and the processes that occur within and around it.


With texts and intereviews by: Arnold Bartetzky, BLESS, Monica Bonvicini, Josef Dabernig, Jan Dinnebier, Angelika Fitz, Paul Grundei, Bernd Hullmann, Stephanie Kaindl, Ilina Koralova, Anita Leisz, Via Lewandowsky, Dorit Margreiter, Anna Meyer, Muntean/Rosenblum, Olaf Nicolai, Julia Schäfer, Tilo Schulz, Manuel Sedeno, Andreas Spiegl, Barbara Steiner, Christian Teckert, Gerd Thieroff, Sofie Thorsen, Jun Yang. English/German; pages: 256


Designed by as-if, GfZK-2 was completed in 2005, and is the second building for the Gallery of Contemporary Art in Leipzig. It was deliberately conceived as a stark contrast to the first (a converted villa), in order to raise a debate about the role and function of architecture and its relation to art. A single-storey structure based on a polygonal configuration of spatial segments, the parts form a changeable infrastructure for the contemporary practice of exhibiting and curating and they allow a simultaneous and side-by-side presence of different programmes, visual and thematic relationships, which can be re-configured by means of sliding walls and curtains for each specific exhibition.


The book focuses on the uses of the building and the dialogues between the architecture and the processes that occur within and around it. To this end artistic and curatorial exhibition concepts realised in the GfZK-2 are presented alongside essays examining the performative and processual concepts of the architectural space. There are also technical data and texts providing an insight into the building process.


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